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Upcoming Fundraisers and Events
Cupid Shuffle Cash Bash February 10, 2023
7th Annual Spring Arts & Crafts Show May 6 & 7, 2023
Jane Lew Firemans Festival Arts & Crafts Show September 1, 2 & 3, 2023
November Cash Bash TBD

About Us
The Jane Lew Fire Department Is Organized to save lives, suppress and control fires, and provide other services such as rescue, public fire education and other activities as deemed in the best interest of the fire department or the citizens of our community.
JLFD was organized January 1941 and received our charter May 9, 1941. For over 70 years the membership of JLFD has continued to provide the best possible customer service to the citizens of Jane Lew, Lewis County, West Virginia as well as the travelers who come through the area. In quarter 4 of 2017 JLFD participated in an ISO audit and improved our rating from a 5/9 to a class 3/3y. We operate out of a single station with 6 motorized pieces of apparatus along with a mobile cascade trailer and a boat.
Fire Prevention Education
Making A Difference

Educating The Adults of Tomorrow. During Fire Prevention week JLFD spends the day teaching the children of Jane Lew Elementary School in Fire Prevention.
Annually in September JLFD takes part in the Jane Lew Lions Club's Safety Fair.
Helping The Community understand the services we provide and how we accomplish those tasks.

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